Thème aussi bien historique qu’actuel, lié à celui des mobilités et des migrations, il s’en distingue par une spécificité liée à la notion de « patrie » et au caractère d’acte volontaire impliqué par le verbe à l’infinitif. Parmi les aspects abordés, on peut mentionner les interrogations suivantes : le fait de s’expatrier produit-il ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui de façon banale des « expatrié(e)s », ou plutôt des exilés, des réfugiés, des transfuges ? Il y a dans le fait de s’expatrier une notion d’arrachement, ainsi que d’identité, d’appartenance, choisies ou contraintes. On peut aussi réfléchir sur la question des apatrides, ou sur celle des rapatriés. S’expatrier pour des raisons fiscales est-il une forme de trahison vis-à-vis de la patrie ? L’individu qui s’expatrie sera étudié de préférence en relation aux collectivités (sociétés, entreprises, etc.) L’idée de patrie est donc au cœur de ce numéro. Change-t-on de patrie en s’expatriant ? Peut-on avoir plusieurs patries ? Existe-t-il des formes de patriotisme internationales ?
During the First World War, between 2 and 3 million people choose exile, chased away by the fights. In West of France, 150 000 evacuees, refugees or repatriates are in this way welcomed. From autumn 1914, their integration causes difficulties, minor at the beginning but which become more important from 1915. In a context of prolonged war which nobody has predicted, their sociocultural profile is quickly considered as incompatible with the expectations of native populations, mainly rural and unaccustomed to this “discovery of the difference.”
Le cas étudié est celui du Dr Molly qui transforma le Territoire neutre de Moresnet, espace mal défini lors des Traités de Vienne, attribué à la fois à la Prusse et aux Pays Bas. Il reste indivis en raison d’une mine de zinc. C’est un laboratoire géopolitique. Molly s’installe dans la partie prussienne et est nommé médecin de la Vieille Montagne. Il s’emploie à donner plus d’autonomie à Moresnet en tentant d’introduire des timbres, d’imposer l’espéranto. Il devient un des notables les plus respectés.
1980s: Algerian immigrants since 1962, little visible on the public scene, developed transnational commercial initiatives to supply vast underground markets emerging in France, Italy, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, then in Spain, while strengthening their ties with the Maghreb. After 1990, the Algerians of Europe, who were suffering the aftershocks of the civil war in Algeria, withdrew to local micro markets at the same time as the great Moroccan migration was unfolding: more than a million people in the decade created all sorts of European networks for housing, work, ... took over the cross‑border commercial activities of the Algerians, with more flexible and diversified logistics. It was in the early 2000s that they met the Afghan, Georgian, Russian and Ukrainian cohorts of East Asian transmigrants working for Southeast Asian firms, negotiating “poor to poor”, i.e. “by the poor for the poor”, duty and quota‑free, electronic products. Goods sent from Hong Kong to the Persian Gulf Emirates, where they escape the control of the WTO in order to invade, through sales at half price, the huge market of the poor in Europe, who are solvent under these conditions. Taking the trans‑Balkan route, they merged in 2003 in Italy with the Moroccans: a major route of Globalization from below, or among the poor, was thus born from the Black Sea to Andalusia via Bulgaria, Albania, Italy, Southern France and the Spanish Levant. Informal notaries» ensure the ethics of […]
This paper seeks to analyze expatriation in a phenomenological perspective. It aims to question the usual analytical tools of human displacements. The deconstruction of social class, racial and national identities, allows us to highlight the emancipation of the individual from the patria. Expatriation appears like a heuristic existential notion to look differently at international migrations. This perspective unifies migratory situations beyond the implicit cleavages between tradition and modernity.
This article aims to highlight the way in which, in the Russian national context, public authorities erase the boundaries between return migration and asylum in order to support the repatriation of former Soviet citizens to Russia. This political phenomenon has its roots in the fall of the USSR when Russia has rapidly become a country of immigration. This resulted in the adoption of the Geneva Convention and the creation of the two socio‑legal categories of refugees in Russia: « forced migrants » and « refugees ».
Based on a qualitative study conducted between 2016 and 2018 among thirty French people who migrated to Quebec, this article proposes to distinguish four types of migration projects: the exploration, settlement, circulation and return projects. The trajectories and narratives collected show that these projects are not mutually exclusive or fixed in time, but that there is a fluidity between them, which moreover do not always correspond to the administrative categories of migration statuses in Canadian immigration policy.
Die Afrikanergemeenskap het, sedert 1994, ‘n dubbelsinnige verhouding met sy kulturele eienskappe gehandhaaf, wat deur die Christen‑nasionalistiese regering was gebruik as ‘n alibi om rasseheerskappy onder apartheid te regverdig. Hulle word nou gesien as afwykend, en ervaar as sosiale stigmas. Sommige lede van die gemeenskap lewer sterk kritiek van die verlede en vind die patriotieses raamwerke weer uit om vir hulle in lyn te bring met die nuwe liberale demokratiese waardes van vandag.
Are “Doctors Without Borders” (MSF) doctors without a homeland? Based on fifty interviews, statistical data and a participatory observation, this article describes humanitarian mission conditions limiting local integration and suggests three forms of attachment: home (“break expatriates”), elsewhere (“multi‑homeland expatriates”) or nowhere (“duty‑free expatriates”). For the latter, MSF plays, until their departure from the organization, the role of substitute homeland.
In this article I show how, on the field of seasonal migration between the Maghreb and the Bouches‑du‑Rhône, the evolution of the links maintained with the “homeland,” the territory and social network in the country of origin and the meaning that migrants themselves give to this relationship can be understood through the intersection of a plurality of analytic levels and temporalities: the political and socio‑economic structural context of the host and origin country; the possibilities provided by migrants’ network; the individual and family strategies of the latter.
This article aims at studying the concrete conditions of integration of an undocumented person living in Bordeaux. It is essentially based on an ethnographic survey, interviews and a budget survey carried out with a recipient of the Secours Populaire support in Bordeaux.
In Belgium, registration in the Population Register is a prerequisite for access to social rights, as well as an indicator of integration and social recognition. For homeless people, an administrative system has been set up: the reference address. Among other things, this allows the person to be registered in the population register and to obtain a legal and administrative existence. However, today, its application differs from one social welfare organization (called CPAS) to another, the controls being most of the time driven by the fight against social fraud, itself defined by a specific policy of each CPAS.
The Konikovo Gospel (KG), The Kulakia Gospel (KuG) and The Boboščica Gospel (BG) are among the first known translations of the New Testament in Macedonian vernacular dating from the 19th century. They are all written in Greek alphabet. In this article we present the most specific examples demonstrating a stylization tendency towards a wider dialectal base and/or towards a more elevated style. The most important conclusion is that of all the analysed gospels the most stylized text is the oldest among them, the KG (1852), especially its second hand. The stylization steps are less common for the KuG (1860) and even less for the BG (1880). It is possible to say that the texts analyzed in this paper, together with the other translations of the New Testament in Macedonian vernacular from the 18th and the 19th centuries, open, more or less, a clear path towards the formation of one Biblical language, leading to the translations of the Bible in contemporary Macedonian standard language in 1976, 2003 and 2007.
رامت هذه الدراسة، بناء على تجربة مجالس الشباب بالمغرب، تتبع تلكم العلاقة التي تربط بين فئة الشباب من جهة والسياسات العمومية من جهة أخرى. ولا شك أن طبيعة هذا البحث قد طرحت ثلة من الأسئلة التي تستدعي استقراء يمَّكن من الإجابة عنها، وهي من قبيل: ما أبرز التحولات الطارئة على فئة الشباب نتيجة انخراطهم في مجالس الشباب؟ وكيف لتلك الفئة أن تؤثر في السياسات العمومية المحلية؟إن الفرضية التي تنطلق منها الدراسة، بناء على تجربة مجلس الشباب لمدينة ورززات، مفادها أن الشباب الذين يعارضون استراتيجية سياسة عمومية محلية ينتهي بهم الأمر بقبول هذه الاستراتيجية بعد إدماجهم في تدبير هذه الأخيرة.ومن أجل تبيان ذلك، أجريت مجموعة من المقابلات النصف موجهة، ما بين شهري ماي/أيار 2017 وماي/أيار 2019، بحيث عقد لقاء مع ممثلي التنسيقية الوطنية لمجالس الشباب بالمغرب، فضلا عن ممثلي مجلس الشباب بمدينة ورززات، بالإضافة إلى مستشارين جماعيين بنفس […]