Michael Lucken - Is the Venus of Milo Japanese?

societes-plurielles:11293 - Sociétés plurielles, May 10, 2023, 7 | 2023 - Identity versus science? Science at the service of identity? - https://doi.org/10.46298/societes-plurielles.2023.11293
Is the Venus of Milo Japanese?Article

Authors: Michael Lucken ORCID1

  • 1 Institut français de recherche sur l’Asie de l’Est

The Venus of Milo is seen as a unique masterpiece of Greek art. However, to the great displeasure of the Greek authorities who are demanding its return, it has belonged to the French public collections since 1821. More generally, it is widely considered a European and Western heritage. And it goes without saying, its beauty is universal. But can it be Japanese? Through the examination of the reception of the Venus de Milo in Japan, the aim is to reflect on the conditions of a utopian appropriation of art works, given that, unlike texts that can be quoted, cut and mounted, paintings and statues are strongly dependant on their materiality. Against the current discourse on the dematerialization of art works, which goes hand in hand with an increasing fetishization of the originals, this article explores the path of an incorporation through practice and repetition.

Volume: 7 | 2023 - Identity versus science? Science at the service of identity?
Section: Articles
Published on: May 10, 2023
Imported on: May 10, 2023
Keywords: Venus de Milo,Japan,Greece,The Louvre Sculpture Museum,Morimura Yasumasa,academic drawing,appropriation,art democratization,Vénus de Milo,Japon,Grèce,musée des sculptures du Louvre,Morimura Yasumasa,dessin académique,appropriation,démocratisation de l’art,ミロのヴィーナス,日本,ギリシャ,ルーブル彫刻美術館,森村泰昌,デッサン,アプロプリエーション,美術の民衆化,[SHS.MUSEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Cultural heritage and museology,[SHS.ART]Humanities and Social Sciences/Art and art history

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