Karl Berthelot - The Plurality of Relationships with the Ecodistrict and Ecocitizenship: a Common Attachment to the Local and the Democratization of Ecology?

societes-plurielles:6232 - Sociétés plurielles, April 1, 2020, 3-4 | 2019-2020 - Varia - https://doi.org/10.46298/societes-plurielles.2020.6232
The Plurality of Relationships with the Ecodistrict and Ecocitizenship: a Common Attachment to the Local and the Democratization of Ecology?Article

Authors: Karl Berthelot 1

  • 1 Géographie-cités

This article is the result of empirical research focused on the socio‑spatial drivers of the greening of ways of life and the diffusion‑reappropriation of ecocitizenship. It is based on a dozen semi‑directive interviews and 93 interviews by survey with residents of ecodistricts in Ile‑de‑France (Clichy‑Batignolles, Bel  Air‑Grands  Pêchers and Chandon‑République). The analysis of ways of life reveals the plurality of relationships with the ecodistrict, a pleasant place to live but also a catalyst for daily inconveniences that hinder the integration of residents into their local environment. Feedback from the inhabitants shows that ecogests are widespread in all representations related to ecology. However, they testify to the richness of subjective relationships to ecocitizenship, oscillating between defence and opposition to the standards of sustainable development. These vernacular discourses are at the origin of a semantic and pragmatic reappropriation of ecocitizenship, which will thus be shaped according to life constraints and personal values, all variables likely to have an effective influence on environmental awareness and sensitivity. The research results reveal plural expectations regarding the democratization of ecology, fluctuant according to personal social (dis)positions. The recognition of these determinants, which also explains the phenomena of inertia‑strengthening of pro‑environmental behaviour, renews the framework related to ecocitizenship.  The latter one seems to be affiliated with an ethic close to social ecology, which makes sense at the local level and lifts the veil of the alienating effects of capitalism on the individual, particularly from its institutional and urban materialization.

Volume: 3-4 | 2019-2020 - Varia
Section: Articles
Published on: April 1, 2020
Imported on: March 27, 2020
Keywords: ecocitizenship,geography,identity,way of life,environmental sensitivity,socialization,sociology,territory,ecology,ecodistrict,sustainable development,democracy,sensibilidad ambiental,estilos de vida,identidad,territorio,sociología,socialización,ecociudadanía,ecobarrios,ecología,desarrollo sostenible,democracia,geografía,ACL,EHGO,territoire,démocratie,développement durable,identité,géographie,écocitoyenneté,socialisation,sensibilité environnementale,modes de vie,écoquartier,sociologie,écologie,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences

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