The Resources of Ordinary Cosmopolitanism for Undocumented Exiles: a Study of Rohingyas’ Anchorage in MalaysiaArticle
Authors: Louise Perrodin 1
Louise Perrodin
1 Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d'Etude du Politique Hannah Arendt Paris-Est
Since the 1990s, Rohingya have been seeking refuge in Malaysia. Once there, they do not hold any formal status as Malaysia does not recognize the status of refugees. Despite this non‑recognition, the imported category is omnipresent in the discourse of Rohingyas. This article shall analyze Rohingyas’ approach of this international status. It argues that cosmopolitanism, interiorized and routinized into an ordinary cosmopolitanism, constitutes a resource for the anchorage of undocumented exiles.
Keywords: Politikwissenschaft,Kosmopolitismus,Imaginäre,Alltägliche,Translokal,Flüchtlinge,Rohingya,Malaysia,political science,cosmopolitanism,imaginaries,ordinary,translocal,refugees,Rohingya,Malaysia,science politique,cosmopolitisme,imaginaires,ordinaire,translocal,réfugiés,Rohingya,Malaisie,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences