Pauline Marie Neveu - “Passing through” sociability or how encounters with moderate otherness allow intercultural sharing

societes-plurielles:6228 - Sociétés plurielles, April 1, 2020, 3-4 | 2019-2020 - Varia -
“Passing through” sociability or how encounters with moderate otherness allow intercultural sharingArticle

Authors: Pauline Marie Neveu 1

Sociability is a central concept in sociology. Applying it to new ways of creating social bounds questions the mere definition of the concept, particularly in its relationship with otherness. We suggest using the “passing through” sociability in order to better understand the tensions between likeness and otherness at the core of social relationships between strangers. Specifically, this paper aims to illustrate moments of intercultural openness between members of a hospitality exchange network.

Volume: 3-4 | 2019-2020 - Varia
Section: Articles
Published on: April 1, 2020
Imported on: March 27, 2020
Keywords: cultures,online networks,tourism,Couchsurfing,sociology,Sociability,otherness,sociabilité,altérité,cultures,réseaux en ligne,tourisme,Couchsurfing,sociologie,[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences

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