    title      = {The Stylization in the Translations of the New Testament in Vernacular Macedonian from the 19th Century},
    author     = {Borče Arsov},
    url        = {https://societes-plurielles.episciences.org/8424},
    doi        = {10.46298/societes-plurielles.2021.8424},
    journal    = {Sociétés plurielles},
    issn       = {2557-9959},
    volume     = {5-6 | 2021-2022 - Self-expatriation},
    issuetitle = {Varia},
    eid        = 20,
    year       = {2021},
    month      = {août},
    keywords   = {Macedonian vernacular, Translation, New Testament, Stylization, 19th century, Macédonien vernaculaire, traduction, Nouveau Testament, stylisation, XIXe siècle, [SHS.LANGUE]Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguistics},
    language   = {French},