    title      = {Garbati Giuseppe, Pedrazzi Tatiana (eds.), 2016, Transformations and Crisis in the Mediterranean: “Identity” and Interculturality in the Levant and Phoenician West during the 8th-5th Centuries BCE, Suppl. Rivista di studi fenici, xliv, CNR Edizioni, Roma, 300 p.},
    author     = {Anna Angelini},
    url        = {https://societes-plurielles.episciences.org/6239},
    doi        = {10.46298/societes-plurielles.2020.6239},
    journal    = {Sociétés plurielles},
    issn       = {2557-9959},
    volume     = {3-4 | 2019-2020 - Varia},
    issuetitle = {Review},
    eid        = 17,
    year       = {2020},
    month      = {avr.},
    keywords   = {[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences},
    language   = {French},