    title      = {Denken der Relation : Franz Boas und der « Typus »-Begriff},
    author     = {Camille Joseph},
    url        = {https://societes-plurielles.episciences.org/4247},
    doi        = {10.46298/societes-plurielles.2018.4247},
    journal    = {Sociétés plurielles},
    issn       = {2557-9959},
    volume     = {2 | 2018 - Epistemologies of the plural},
    issuetitle = {Articles},
    eid        = 5,
    year       = {2018},
    month      = {févr.},
    keywords   = {Evolutionismus, Franz Boas, Anthropometrie, USA, 20. Jahrhundert, physische Typen, anthropometry, United States, 20th century, evolution theory, physical types, XXe siècle, types physiques, évolutionnisme, anthropométrie, États-Unis, [SHS.SOCIO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Sociology},
    language   = {French},