@article{societes-plurielles:3667, title = {« In sentinel in its own house ». Reflections on the terrorism as civil war - the case study of the French wars of religion (1562-1598).}, author = {Jérémie Foa}, url = {https://societes-plurielles.episciences.org/3667}, doi = {10.46298/societes-plurielles.2017.3667}, journal = {Sociétés plurielles}, issn = {2557-9959}, volume = {1 | 2017 - Facing the challenge of the event in the Social Sciences and the Humanities}, issuetitle = {Articles}, eid = 5, year = {2017}, month = {mai}, keywords = {terrorism, France, civil wars, confessional coexistence, history, wars of religion, terrorisme, Francia, guerras civiles, coexistencia confessional, historia, guerras de religion, histoire, guerres de Religion, guerres civiles, coexistence confessionnelle, terrorisme, [SHS.SOCIO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Sociology}, language = {French}, }